Editor for the Asian materials: Angelika C. Messner (China Centre, Kiel University, Cluster of Excellence Roots)
ATLOMY. Orly Lewis; Yael Baron; Dmitry Ezrohi; Yotam Giladi; Shay Hermon; Nir Propper (ATLOMY Project, HUJI) Digital imaging and history of medicine
Anetta Mona Chisa, Lucia Tkacova (artists) Karl Marx Darm
Thomas Cousins (School of Anthropology and Museum Ethnography, University of Oxford, University of Oxford) Africa
Victor Golubev, Sean Coughlin (Institute of Philosophy, Czech Academy of Sciences) GUT SCENT – The Smell of Guts
Christophe Helmke, Liv Green, Louise Bjerre (University of Copenhagen in Denmark) Mesoamerica
Brooke Holmes (Susan Dod Brown Professor of Classics, Princeton University) Contemporary Guts
rodo pfister (RIHAELS, Basel, Switzerland) The Body Maps of Master Yan Luo
Katharina Sabernig (University of Applied Arts) Tibetan medicine (8th to 17th century) with contemporary knitted artwork interpretations (early 20th to 21st century)
Nina Sellars (University of Melbourne) Drawing Breath >< Gut Feelings: an experimental anatomical art lab for contemporary dance
Brigitte Sonne, Ulla Odgaard (University of Copenhagen) Greenland Tupilak Figures
Tawni Tidwell (University of Wisconsin) Tibetan medicine (8th to 17th century)
Marco Vespa (The Hebrew University of Jerusalem) The ancient stomachion, a Graeco-Roman guts-game
Yi-Li Wu (University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, USA) Ming-Qing illustrations of the organs, 1500-1850
Dana Zentgraf, Laura Schmidt, Lucie Junkermann, Finja Plambeck