Comparative Guts

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Chiara Thumiger, Kiel University, Cluster of Excellence Roots

ATLOMY. Orly Lewis; Yael Baron; Dmitry Ezrohi; Yotam Giladi; Shay Hermon; Nir Propper (ATLOMY Project, HUJI) Digital imaging and history of medicine

Jason Birch (SOAS University of London) Yoga and Ayurvedic Medicine in South Asia
Claire Bubb (New York University) Medieval medical sources in Latin
Che-Chia Chang (Academia Sinica) China and Japan in the Modern Period 

Anetta Mona Chisa, Lucia Tkacova (artists) Karl Marx Darm

Thomas Cousins (School of Anthropology and Museum Ethnography, University of Oxford, University of Oxford) Africa

Charlotte Damm (Arctic University of Norway) Hunter-fishers of Norway 
Jane Draycott (University of Glasgow) Roman-etruscan materials
Heiner Fangerau (Heinrich-Heine University Duesseldorf) Contemporary imaging techniques for medical purposes
James Flowers (Kyung Hee University) Images of the digestive organs in Korea

Victor Golubev, Sean Coughlin (Institute of Philosophy, Czech Academy of Sciences) GUT SCENT – The Smell of Guts

Marta Hanson (Independent Scholar, MPIWG Affiliate) An example of 17th-century Sino-European Cross-cultural medical history

Christophe Helmke, Liv Green, Louise Bjerre (University of Copenhagen in Denmark) Mesoamerica

Brooke Holmes (Susan Dod Brown Professor of Classics, Princeton University) Contemporary Guts

Hayv Kahraman (artist, Los Angeles) Gut Feelings
Natalie Köhle (The University of Sydney) Anatomical images in Northern Song China
Silja Korn (artist, Berlin) Lightpainting Art: der Kreislauf des Lebens
Monique Kornell, Gideon Manning (Cedars-Sinai Medical Center, Los Angeles) Birth of modern anatomo-pathology
Shigehisa Kuriyama (Harvard University) Japan
Vivienne Lo (UCL History) China
Rune Nyord (Emory University; Center for Advanced Study in the Visual Arts) Ancient Egypt
Robin Osborne (University of Cambridge) Greco-Roman antiquity

rodo pfister (RIHAELS, Basel, Switzerland) The Body Maps of Master Yan Luo

Maddalena Rumor (Case Western Reserve University) Mesopotamia

Katharina Sabernig (University of Applied Arts) Tibetan medicine (8th to 17th century) with contemporary knitted artwork interpretations (early 20th to 21st century)

Ignacio Sánchez (University of Warwick) Arabic Materials

Nina Sellars (University of Melbourne) Drawing Breath >< Gut Feelings: an experimental anatomical art lab for contemporary dance

Brigitte Sonne, Ulla Odgaard (University of Copenhagen) Greenland Tupilak Figures

Chiara Thumiger (Cluster of Excellence Roots, CAU Kiel) Greco-Roman medical cultures

Tawni Tidwell (University of Wisconsin) Tibetan medicine (8th to 17th century)

Marco Vespa (The Hebrew University of Jerusalem) The ancient stomachion, a Graeco-Roman guts-game

Yi-Li Wu (University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, USA) Ming-Qing illustrations of the organs, 1500-1850

Digital Exhibition Designer
Images and copyright team

Dana Zentgraf, Laura Schmidt, Lucie Junkermann, Finja Plambeck

All visual material appearing in Comparative Guts is protected by copyright. You may not copy or reproduce any of the images from this website. If you wish to quote the text or publish a link to it, please credit the name of the author of the individual contribution, the Digital Exhibition Comparative Guts and the Cluster of Excellence Roots at the CAU University, Kiel. Every effort has been made to accurately determine the rights status of works and their images. Please contact Chiara Thumiger if you have further information on the rights status of a work contrary or in addition to the information in our records. This project is an activity of the Subcluster Knowledge, Cluster of Excellence Roots, Christian-Albrechts-Universität zu Kiel. It is generously supported by the Inklusionsfonds of the Christian-Albrechts-Universität zu Kiel.