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Comparative Guts
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Battle scene and their aftermath
A segment of a Mayan hieroglyphic text, highlighting the stylised glyph for ‘heart’
Diagrams of the internal organs
Entanglements with torshi no.2
Mary Reid Kelley with Patrick Kelley,
This is Offal
Frontal illustration of the small and large intestines and the bladder (f. 69v)
The Lower Cinnabar Field
Kotsanas’ wooden reproduction of the stomachion
Knitted artwork of guts based on Tibetan medical painting at Atsagat Monastery, Republic of Buryatia, Russia.
Depiction of an eagle devouring a human heart at the site of Tula
Towing bladder/hunting float.
Isabel Lewis,
Scalable Skeletal Escalator
1597 reprint of Wanbing huichun “Diagram of Man’s Side-Body”
Black-figured terracotta column-krater
Bernardino Capitelli, Anatomical Dissection, c. 1604 – 1639.
Indian anatomical painting
Diagram of the Inner Landscape
Rock carving of elk with lifeline and guts
The right kidney as the gate of life
Published in 1597 reprint of a 1565 Yixue gangmu, preserved in Ms sin. 11, part 1, “Enlightened-Hall Diagram of the Viscera”
The ‘Piacenza Liver’
Anatomical figures
Illustration depicting a right lateral view of the body (f. 72r)
Rock carving of reindeer with intestines
Marble tombstone of an Athenian physician
Dancer Shona Dunlop performing the role of Cain in
Cain and Abel,
Sydney, Australia, 1940.
Depiction of a mortuary bundle at Teotihuacan
Body metaphors including guts
The spleen-stomach system
Apollo the Python-Slayer or Cleveland Apollo
Mask of Huwawa
The geometric design of the stomachion diagram
Blasengeschwülste, Fig. 44-46: Ansichten eines Papilloms, Fig. 47-48: Ansichten eines Tumors (Kneise 1908: Tafel IX)
Terracotta anatomical votive; spiral coil ending in trefoil
Guts depicted as vulnerable part of the body
Major connecting blood vasculature of the body including gut with related vulnerable points
Red-figured terracotta bell-krater
Anatomy of the gut, anterior view
Red-figured terracotta stamnos
The hand lesser yin heart channel
The Buddha’s Guts
Athenian red-figure cup attributed to Oltos, examination of the liver of a sacrificial victim
Rāja Mandhata
The Body
The Screen gate
Torshi and eyes
Sugita Gempaku’s Kaitai shinsho
Organs of the abdomen
Ca. 1681 Ms sin. 11, part 3 by Christian Mentzel
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