Battle scene at Cacaxtla
Battle scene at Cacaxtla, showing captives whose entrails are gush out of the severed abdomen Site: Cacaxtla Culture: Epiclassic Date: Epiclassic (c. AD 650-850) Context: Building B, western talud Medium: Polychromatic mural painting Figure credit: Photograph by Ricardo Alvarado / Drawing by Citlali Coronel – This elaborate and colorful mural of a tortuous and bloody […]
Depiction of a mortuary bundle at Teotihuacan
Depiction of a mortuary bundle at Teotihuacan, here adorned with human hearts and intestines. Site: Teotihuacan Culture: Teotihuacan Date: Early Classic (c. AD 250-550) Context: Tetitla, Portico 11, Mural 3 Medium: Polychromatic mural painting Figure credit: Photograph by Christophe Helmke – Long thought to represent one of the salient female deities of the ancient pantheon […]
Early Zapotec stone relief of a sacrificial victim with a disembowelled abdomen
Early Zapotec stone relief of a sacrificial victim with a disembowelled abdomen Site: San José Mogote Culture: early Zapotec Date: Early Preclassic (c. BC 600-500) Context: Corridor between Structure 14 and 19, Monument 3 Medium: Stone relief Figure credit: Drawing by Mark Orsen – Placed as a step at the head of an hallway, the […]
Terracotta anatomical votive; spiral coil ending in trefoil
Terracotta anatomical votive; spiral coil ending in trefoil. Tivoli/Lazio, 3rdC BC-1stC BC © The Trustees of the British Museum Museum Number 1899,0720.13 CC BY-NC-SA 4.0 – This terracotta votive nicely combines the clean volumetric rotundity of the belly with the coiled shape of the imagined innards (intestines? the uterus? the spiral image as an abstract […]
Terracotta anatomical votive
Terracotta anatomical votive 3rdC BC-1stC BC © The Trustees of the British Museum, Museum Number 1839,0214.51CC BY-NC-SA 4.0 – This image represents an inner part; some of the features, such as the ribs and wrinkles and the central globe, point to a womb as an ‘empty sack’, a container ready to receive the embryo; on […]
Apollo the Python-Slayer or Cleveland Apollo
Apollo the Python-Slayer or Cleveland Apollo Hellenistic (?) Courtesy of the Cleveland Museum of Art. Museum Number 1839,0214.51 – The celebrated Cleveland Apollo is one of the most famous works attributed to the fourth-century Attic sculptor Praxiteles. Many later marble copies survive, but this bronze classical piece came to public attention only in 2004 when […]
Grotesque figurine
Grotesque terracotta figurine 3rd century BCE–3rd century CE (?) © 2023, Benaki Museum, Athens. Benaki Museum inv. No 12793 – This Hellenistic terracotta, part of the Benaki Museum collection in Athens, depicts with hyper-realistic traits an old, and/or ‘disabled’ man with a protruding pot belly, achieving a grotesque effect and signalling a pathology while offering […]
Marble tombstone of an Athenian physician
![Marmorgrabstein eines griechischen Arztes Der graue aufrechtstehende Quader zeigt einen sitzenden Mann, neben dem ein nackter Junge steht. Der Stein ist 80 Zentimeter hoch, an der dicksten Stelle zirka 9 Zentimeter dick und 56 Zentimeter breit. Das Halbrelief ist nach oben durch einen Vorsprung und nach unten durch eine Stufe im Stein abgegrenzt. Das untere Viertel bedecken griechische Buchstaben in waagerecht verlaufenden Zeilen. Die beiden Figuren sind mittig auf der glatten Oberfläche platziert. Der Arzt links sitzt auf einem Hocker mit viereckiger Sitzfläche. Sein Gewand fällt in lockeren Falten bis auf die Knöchel. Sein Gesichtszüge sind nicht deutlich erkennbar. Das Gesicht des Mediziners ist dem Patienten zugewandt. Sein rechter Arm ist ausgestreckt, die Hand liegt auf dem etwas gewölbten Bauch des Jungen. Der steht aufrecht mit herabhängenden Armen. Einige Rippen zeichnen sich ab. Der Blick ist auf den Arzt gerichtet. Im Gesicht des Patienten sind Augen, Nase und Mund deutlich herausgearbeitet. Unter den kurzen Haaren treten die Ohren hervor. Rechts neben dem Jungen steht ein bauchiges Gefäß mit kuppelartigem Deckel. Es reicht ihm bis über das Knie. Es scheint auf einem runden Fuß zu stehen. Ein Henkel verläuft über der Kuppelspitze. Der Grabstein ist dem griechischen Arzt Jason gewidmet, der im 2. Jahrhundert nach Christus praktizierte. — — Marble Tombstone of a Greek Doctor The upright grey tombstone depicts a seated man with a naked boy standing next to him. The stone is 80 centimetres high, about 9 centimetres thick at its thickest point, and 56 centimetres wide. The half-relief is delimited at the top by an edge and at the bottom by a step in the stone. The lower quarter is covered by Greek letters in horizontal lines. The two figures are placed centrally on a smooth surface. The doctor on the left sits on a stool with a square seat. His robe falls in loose folds to his ankles. His facial features are not clearly visible. The doctor's face is turned towards the patient. His right arm is outstretched, his hand rests on the boy's somewhat bulging belly. The boy is standing upright with his arms hanging down. A few ribs are visible. His gaze is directed towards the doctor. In the patient's face, the eyes, nose, and mouth are clearly outlined. The ears protrude from under the short hair. To the right of the boy is a bulbous vessel with a dome-like lid. It reaches above the boy's knee. It seems to stand on a round foot. A handle runs over the top of the dome. The tombstone is dedicated to the Greek physician Jason, who practised in the 2nd century AD.](
Athens, 2nd century CE
Maps of the inner sceneries • ventral and dorsal view
This page is viewed best with a large screen. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 F ‘Map of the inner sceneries in dorsal view’ (Ti ke ge, 3b) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 E ‘Map of the inner sceneries in ventral […]
Maps of the inner sceneries • from the left and the right side
This page is viewed best with a large screen. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 D ‘Map of the inner sceneries from the right side’ (Ti ke ge, 3a) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 […]