Comparative Guts

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Apollo the Python-Slayer or Cleveland Apollo

Apollo the Python-Slayer or Cleveland Apollo Hellenistic (?) Courtesy of the Cleveland Museum of Art. Museum Number 1839,0214.51 – The celebrated Cleveland Apollo is one of the most famous works attributed to the fourth-century Attic sculptor Praxiteles. Many later marble copies survive, but this bronze classical piece came to public attention only in 2004 when […]

Grotesque figurine

Grotesque terracotta figurine 3rd century BCE–3rd century CE (?) © 2023, Benaki Museum, Athens. Benaki Museum inv. No 12793 – This Hellenistic terracotta, part of the Benaki Museum collection in Athens, depicts with hyper-realistic traits an old, and/or ‘disabled’ man with a protruding pot belly, achieving a grotesque effect and signalling a pathology while offering […]