Comparative Guts

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Towing bladder/hunting float.

Towing bladder / hunting float keeping a hunted whale floating. Photo: Bodil Begtrup, Danish Arctic Institute – This important hunting implement, when hunting seals from a kayak is, despite of the name, usually made from the stomach of a narwhal or, if this is not available, from waterproof seal skin. Its length is usually 35-50 cm. […]

Drawing of rock carving of an elk with numerous anatomical parts depicted

Drawing of rock carving of an elk with numerous anatomical parts depicted. Åskollen in southern Norway. From: Rock Art and the Wild Mind. Visual Imagery in Mesolithic Northern Europe. Ingrid Fuglestvedt, Copyright © 2018, London, Routledge. Figure 5.2, page 192. Reproduced by permission of Taylor & Francis Group. – A few rock carvings in southern […]