Manchu face, Universal body

Manchu face, Universal body (Early 18th century) Ge ti ciowan lu bithe, or Manchu Anatomy (based on Thomas Bartholin, Anatomia, 1684), Muséum national d’Histoire naturelle, Paris – The Jesuits actively persuaded the Kangxi Emperor to study anatomy. They hoped that he would convert to Christianity while marveling at the wonders of the various parts of […]
The Buddha’s Guts

The Buddha’s Guts Digital rendition by Stella Thumiger after ‘ The viscera models in the statue of Sakyamuni’, Seiryōji Monestary, Kyoto (985) – In Medieval China, it was customary to put viscera models in Buddha statues. Some of them are still extent today. This one is the representative, which was brought to Japan from Taizhou, […]
Diagrams of the internal organs

Diagrams of the internal organs from Wang Qingren (1768-1831), Correcting the Errors of Doctors (Yilin gaicuo), first printed in 1830. Jinqi shuye deji woodblock edition, 1847. In the library collection of the Needham Research Institute – Besides revising older depictions of the organs, Wang focused attention on structures that had not been previously discussed in medical […]
Diagram of the heart

Diagram of the heart from Wang Qi (jinshi degree holder of 1565), Collected Diagrams of Heaven, Earth, and Man (Sancai tuhui), Chongzhen reign (1628-44) reprint of 1609 edition. In the collection of the Harvard-Yenching Library, Harvard University – This famous encyclopedia was a collection of illustrations of myriad aspects of the “three realms” of Heaven, […]
The diagram of the stomach

The diagram of the stomach from Zhang Jiebin (1563-1640), Illustrated Wing of the “Classified Canon” (Leijing tuyi), woodblock edition, preface dated 1624 From the collection of the Harvard-Yenching Library, Harvard University – This image of the stomach accompanies Zhang’s illustration of the pathway of the Foot Yang Brightness Stomach Channel. The upper text begins with […]
The hand lesser yin heart channel

The hand lesser yin heart channel (two facing pages) from Zhang Jiebin (1563-1640), Illustrated Wing of the “Classified Canon” (Leijing tuyi), woodblock edition, preface dated 1624. From the collection of the Harvard-Yenching Library, Harvard University – In writings on acupuncture, it became common to pair an image of an internal organ with an image of […]
Maps of the inner sceneries • ventral and dorsal view

This page is viewed best with a large screen. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 F ‘Map of the inner sceneries in dorsal view’ (Ti ke ge, 3b) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 E ‘Map of the inner sceneries in ventral […]
Maps of the inner sceneries • from the left and the right side

This page is viewed best with a large screen. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 D ‘Map of the inner sceneries from the right side’ (Ti ke ge, 3a) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 […]
The spleen-stomach system

A B The spleen–stomach system A No title. The spleen-stomach system. Kajiwara Shōzen 梶原性全 (1265–1337) Man’anpo 万安方, 1315–27, scroll 54. Edo 江戸 period (1603–1868) manuscript. National Archives of Japan. B ‘Illustration of the spleen-stomach system’, Piweibao xi tu 脾胃胞系圖. Wang Haogu 王好古 (1200–64?) The Great Teaching of Yi Yin’s Decoction Classic Propagated by [Zhang] Zhongjing, Yi […]
The sea of qi and the diaphragm

A B The sea of qi and the diaphragm A No title. The sea of qi and the diaphragm. Kajiwara Shōzen 梶原性全 (1265–1337) Man’anpo 万安方, 1315–27, scroll 54. Edo 江戸 period (1603–1868) manuscript. National Archives of Japan. B ‘Illustration of the sea of qi and the diaphragm’, Qihai gemo tu 氣海隔膜圖. Wang Haogu 王好古 (1200–64?) […]