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Comparative Guts
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Diagram of the Inner Landscape
Manase Dōsan 曲直瀬道三, Hyakufuku zusetsu
Roman marble version of a dying Gaul
Diagrams of the internal organs
A polyvisceral plaque
The Body
The diagram of the stomach
Wall scene from tomb of King Ramesses III
Sugita Gempaku’s Kaitai shinsho
Abdominal Dissection
Rock carving of reindeer with intestines
Apollo the Python-Slayer or Cleveland Apollo
Major connecting blood vasculature of the body including gut with related vulnerable points
The Lower Cinnabar Field
Diagram of the heart
Kinrai ryūkō kabuki uwasa kenbutsu no hara
Drawing of rock carving of an elk with numerous anatomical parts depicted
Representation of a man with the distribution of the blood vessels and the internal organs (f. 13v)
Illustration accompanying De Arte Physicali et de Cirurgia
Grotesque figurine
Inshoku yōjō kagami
Stomach Infrastructure
1682 Specimen Medicinae Sinicae, unknown artist
Master Yan Luo’s head maps • frontal view and southwards looking
John Banister Delivering an Anatomical Lecture on the Viscera
The Dissected Horse
1597 reprint of Wanbing huichun “Diagram of Man’s Side-Body”
The hand lesser yin heart channel
The Reward of Cruelty (The Four Stages of Cruelty)
Published in 1597 reprint of a 1565 Yixue gangmu, preserved in Ms sin. 11, part 1, “Enlightened-Hall Diagram of the Viscera”
SET 3a-f Kim Yemong et al. Ui’bang’ryuchui 醫方類聚, vol. 5, pp. 51-70
Shiba Zenkō, Jūshi keisei hara no uchi
Bernardino Capitelli, Anatomical Dissection, c. 1604 – 1639.
Marble tombstone of an Athenian physician
Location of internal organs on modular grid
A human anatomical figure
Umuthi wenyongo
Anatomical figures
Carcinoma colloides peritonei
Andreas Vesalius (anatomist) and Jan van Calcar (artist), studio of Titian. The Seventh Plate of Muscles.
Treatment points for moxibustion, venesection, and surgery
Representation of a woman with the distribution of the blood vessels and the internal organs (f. 15v)
A fresco, Catacomba di Via Dino Compagni
Isabel Lewis,
Scalable Skeletal Escalator
Guts depicted as vulnerable part of the body
The geometric design of the stomachion diagram
Indian anatomical painting
My culture
Ca. 1660s-1681c. Lat. Fol. 95, unknown artist
Ca. 1681 Ms sin. 11, part 3 by Christian Mentzel
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